I said I wasn’t a saver, keeper, hoarder…..But
I do have a few things; like all my report cards for 1st thru 8th grades, my immunization record, very first Bible given to me by the Dorcas Sunday school class when I was 2-months old. Okay, so my mom gave me a big box of stuff a few years ago when they moved and that was most of the really old stuff. Because really, who would keep their elementary school report cards? And not an ‘E’ in the bunch (as Mom says, once I finally started talking I never stopped)
What a joy to find the memories…mostly. Sing Along with me about a few of my favorite things:
· Fifty cents still taped to a card from my Great Grandmother for Christmas from 1971;
· Five dollars from my Grandmother in my birthday card from 1993 to buy something small to remember my Grandfather by who had passed away that summer;
· Dozens of receipts from our honeymoon and the reservation for our condo;
· Love notes from my god-daughters from just before my wedding, they were six;
· Two editions of the (TCU) Tom Brown/Jarvis’ “The Portable” (1984 & 1985); some of you should be very scared! Tracy Wilson, Todd Camp, Lucy Deeter, Hiram Jackson, Ann Moran, Ellen Vernon come to mind;
· The program from the HS awards night during my senior year in high school. Some of you should be very proud. Tracy Wilson, Lucy Deeter, Ann Moran, Hiram Jackson (hey, don’t those names sound familiar?), Char DeGroote, Lisa Hagerty, Kristi Gee come to mind;
Remember that Bible from the Dorcas class? That is the class my mother now teaches. Some stuff is good to keep.
Happy Adventures, BA