Yes, this does have something to do with RVing if you will stay with me. Allow me to back up a couple of years to when I weighed over 300 pounds and have since lost over 100lbs.
Several lifestyle changes included going to the gym (3-4 hours/day at the time). While I can't maintain a work-out schedule of 4 hours/day, I do need to get my groove on every day. Imagine with me, changing locations every 2 weeks and trying to find a gym...crazy, not to mention expensive. So, when hubby started riding and encouraged me to join him I finally gave it a try and I love it!
I've been riding for 10 weeks (after a 25 year hiatus, lol) and yesterday I completed 45 miles at an average of 16.2 mph in 95-98 degree Texas heat and 75% humidity (we were having a cold front). That is a major milestone for me and gets me closer to completing the 100K segment of the Hotter'N Hell Hundred in Wichita Falls, TX August 28th. Hence, the much ado!
Cycling is something hubby and I can do together and it travels well on the RV. We already have a great rack (Thule) on the back of the bus to carry both our cycles. (His- Specialized Roubaix, Hers- Specialized Dolce Sport)
I told you it was related. Happy Adventures! BA
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